Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Strange Air-tight Box of Room

On Tuesday the second of August, I was driven to a radio station to record an advertisement for our upcoming theatrical. It was a small building filled with even smaller cube-like structures that held people of all kinds - mostly using the telephone or small computron devices like I am using this very moment. We snaked our way through this office maze and they locked me inside a strange air-tight box of a room. The walls were padded, and for a brief moment I thought that I may have been coerced into admitting myself into a psychiatric hospital. (Something that Bassy has tried - and failed - to do to me on many occasions.) Luckily, all I was asked to do was read from a piece of paper through what appeared to be a silk stocking. I completed it satisfactorily in what a very kind gentleman with ear coverings called "one take." He could hear me perfectly well even though his ears were entirely blocked. He then complimented me on my "accent work," I thanked him kindly, then laughed knowingly that I never do any work of any kind.

Tune your dials to 93.3 FM beginning Monday the ninth of August to hear my voice over the waves. I do hope that they play it during The Champion Spark Plug Hour or The Clicquot Club Eskimos Show, as I will be listening at those times.


-- Bertie

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