Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Closing Note

MCT and Wodehouse fans!

Just a final note to thank you for joining us, if you were able, for Jeeves in Bloom.  We heard on the final weekend that our playwright, Margaret Raether, was able to join us for a second round.  That was delightful news, along with closing-weekend audiences who buoyed us with their “spring” energy—from smilers to unreserved guffawers.  Trust us, friends, those smiles and laughs, that lovely crackling energy which an audience brings to the theatre, is truly the final piece of the puzzle—the final character, or, to quote Matt Daniels, the final missing dialogue in a play.  We couldn’t do it without you.

A special thanks to the teachers and students who joined us for the student matinee performance!  Your energy and thoughtful questions made for a sparkling afternoon!

I write this as those of us on the project are winding down and moving on to other adventures.  In the meantime, what a way to welcome spring (such as it is this year in Wisconsin!)!

Here’s to you. 
Yours—Marcy Kearns